Friday, October 23, 2009

If at first you don't succeed...

So, my hypothesis is that first, the lobster ate one of the sea hares enclosed with him in the cage. 

Then, the monster from Iron Bound Bay wreaked havoc on the cage, and ate the other sea hares with one gulp.  Let’s see 19 Oct.  That’s one day past the new moon.  A fully moonless night.  Plenty of time for the monster to make his way up from Iron Bound Bay, to flit along the ridge down to the isthmus, and over to Big Fisherman’s Cove.  I think he has a lover in the blow-hole on the point at Fishermans.  Then, the two of them ransacked the bay, ripping up lobster dens, pulling out kelp plants.  Trashing cages. 

So, I spent ALL DAY on the mainland trying to find chain mail to wrap our cage with.  My wife and I found some mobile screen-making outfits in LA, but I needed to go to Orange and give letters of recommendation to the PreMed advisor there.  Calling and driving, leaving messages, getting half-yesses.  Nobody seems to have 25 feet by 60 inches of chain mail.  I ask our department assistant, Cheryl, to find me some chain mail while I write these letters.  She gets on the internet and calls all the Home Depots and Pet Smarts around Orange, and all they have are small pieces.  48”.  That won’t do.  So I’m now in the office googling “screen and windows Orange” getting nowhere, when Brad, the other assistant shows me an advertisement from his “Yellow Pages”

Whazzat?  Yellow Pages is how people used to find things like monster-proof netting for lobster cages, before the internet.  There it was.  Mobile Screen and Windows.  I called.  Talked to Chris.  He checked.  He had it.  25 feet of 60” reinforced “pet-proof” screen.  I screemed yay! And took off in a flurry.  Found the place in the bowels of Orange County freeways, and got the fucking chain mail. 

Back out to Catailina.   Dan and I put in the chain-mail on the frame day before yesterday afternoon, and redeployed the cage with sea hares, one more time, last night. 

Now we have a waxing moon.  Hopefully Mr. Monster, Sir, stays on the south side of the island.

This film is of us deploying the improved cage.  I think you can see the cage eater, if you look very closely.  Note the daring absence of wet suits (a short dive on a sunny day).

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