Sunday, September 27, 2009


Some of you have written you want to get the emails.  I love some of the comments.  Here are two of my favorites.

**Yes.  Please keep me on your mail list.  This is about the least cluttering
thing--I think it freshens the airspace.  Anyway, it reminds me to read it.
And it's a little package that comes to me, like an afternoon snack.  And
now I'm hooked on the story, like a Lone Ranger radio show.  I'm really
rooting for the sea hares; god they just SOUND mythological, Brer Rabbit
against ole Brer Lobster.  Hooray for science.   And so, thanks.

**Yes, I want to be on the email blog.There is defiantly a movie, a story, a
fable a novel, a soap opera.. a sea opera that's it; in 4 dives. Dive 1- in
which the sea hare draws the attention of the lobster.Dive 2 -  in which the
sea hare mistakens the attention of the lobster for the brotherly attention
of a crab.Dive 3 - the hare misguidedly agrees to dinner with the
lobster.Dive 4 - the lobster dines on the sea hare.

I'm thinking about the moral of the story.I need more material.

(I wrote her back:  The moray of the story is watch out for the eel.)

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